The astronomical observatory of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is on the seventh floor of the módulo 15, Facultad de Ciencias. It consits in a computer room, used by members of the Astrophysics group and last-year undergraduate students for numerical simulation and observational data reduction, and a 5-meter dome that hosts the Telescopio Jerónimo Muñoz (TJM), a 20-inch (51 cm) reflector with German equatorial mount. At present, this equipment is used for training of young researchers within the framework of the following courses:
The Observatory also carries out a number of outreach activities for the general public. Our regular programme consists of:
We also organise visits for schools, as well as other groups (e.g. amateur astronomers, young-at-heart students from the Universidad de la Experiencia, etc.) on demand. Please feel free to contact us for details.
A list of past activities of the Observatory can be found by clicking on "History". For up-to-date information, please sign up to our mailing list and/or follow us on social media:
Anuncios del Observatorio Astronómico
For any question regarding the Observatory, please contact observatorio.astronomico @
Grupo de Astrofísica - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2011
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