Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Deparment of Theoretical Physics

Facultad de Ciencias Departamento de Fisica Teorica Grupo de Astrofisica

UAM Astronomical Observatory - Presentation

The astronomical observatory of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is on the seventh floor of the módulo 15, Facultad de Ciencias. It consits in a computer room, used by members of the Astrophysics group and last-year undergraduate students for numerical simulation and observational data reduction, and a 5-meter dome that hosts the Telescopio Jerónimo Muñoz (TJM), a 20-inch (51 cm) reflector with German equatorial mount. At present, this equipment is used for training of young researchers within the framework of the following courses:

  • Trabajo de Fin de Grado (Grado en Física)
  • Prácticas Externas (Grado en Física)
  • Técnicas Observacionales en Astronomía (Máster en Física Teórica)

The Observatory also carries out a number of outreach activities for the general public. Our regular programme consists of:

  • Jornadas de Astronomia en la UAM
    Conferences, activities, and astronomical observations for the whole familiy, on annual basis (April-May).
  • Open nights at the Observatory
    On (most) Fridays, we organise confenerences on a variety of Astrophysics- and Cosmology-related topics, intended for a general audience, followed by a visit to the Observatory and (weather permitting) an observation of the night sky through our small telescopes.
    Entry is free, but registration is requred. More information (in Spanish) can be found by clicking:

We also organise visits for schools, as well as other groups (e.g. amateur astronomers, young-at-heart students from the Universidad de la Experiencia, etc.) on demand. Please feel free to contact us for details.


A list of past activities of the Observatory can be found by clicking on "History". For up-to-date information, please sign up to our mailing list and/or follow us on social media:

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Instagram Observatorio Astronómico UAM @observatoriouam

For any question regarding the Observatory, please contact observatorio.astronomico @ uam.es


(in Spanish only)

Grupo de Astrofísica - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2011
Page maintained with yWeb - Last updated on Wed Sep 18 09:58:50 2019 - ... Paranoy@ Rulz!