SELGIFS is an international collaboration focused on the study of emission-line galaxies with integral-field spectroscopy. It is funded under the Marie Curie Actions - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) of the EU, and it involves the following institutions:
Integral-Field Spectroscopy (IFS) is a relatively new technique that allows to obtain spectra of extended sources as a function of position. This technique has flourished in large-aperture, high-resolution telescopes, and many integral-field spectrographs have been developed in the past few years or are planned for the future.
However, this rapid development on the instrumental side must be accompanied by the corresponding development in specific analysis methodologies, regarding both the data analysis itself as well as the theoretical modelling and physical interpretation. The main objective of this project is to establish a long-lasting partnership that
The programme involves a total of 22 experienced researchers and 4 early-stage researchers (an updated list can be found in Participants). Special attention is paid to training activities of the latter through the realisation of doctoral thesis that will add value to the exchange programme. The scientific goals of the latter have been organized in different work packages (see Research), and other activities organized by the collaboration (e.g. meetings, advanced schools) are summarized in Activities.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact angeles.diaz at or yago.ascasibar at